Washing and sorting

Pomegranate is one of the most difficult fruit to process, because only a finely tuned deseeder machine allows to avoid the contamination of the juice with tannic compounds. Our pomegranate deseeder machine Megra is regarded as the most appropriate on the market and it has been adopted all over the world (United States, India, Iran, China, Azerbaijan between others).
The special construction of Megra allows to tune the working parameters in order to finely optimize the peeling process. The machine has a working capacity of 5 to 6 tons per hour of fresh fruits and a yield of seeds that can reach up to 99%, with minimal presence of fragments of peels and membranes.
The juice extraction system we supply is a membrane press, which has the big advantage of providing a very soft pressing of the pomegranate arils, preserving the organoleptic characteristics of the juice. The obtained juice is processed by a vibro-screener in order to remove any eventual solid particle.
The juice coming from the press is pasteurized and pumped to treatment tanks, where enzymes and chemicals are added to increase the separation. The treatment has a duration of 3 to 4 hours. Upon completion of the treatment the juice is sent to an ultra-filtration line for clarification.
Optionally, juice can be concentrated. Flashterm is a plate evaporator designed for the treatment of clear or low viscosity juices. This concentration group can be equipped with a thermo compressor and an aroma recovery unit.
The pomegranate juice, cloudy or clarified, concentrated or natural single strenght, can be sterilizied or pasteurized depending by the specific request of the application, by a plate sterilizer/pasteurizer model Sterilflash.
Once sterilized the product can be filled in aseptic bag in drums or in box thanks to Bertuzzi Aseptic Fillers.
All Bertuzzi lines are designed according to the international food grade requirements and to be fully cleanable by exploiting integrated cleaning procedures and systems or centralized and fully automatic CIP system. The Bertuzzi CipMatic is specifically designed to guarantee a perfect and efficent CIP of the fruit processing plants.