Washing and brushing
Fruits are perfectly cleaned in order to be processed.

Fruits are perfectly cleaned in order to be processed.
The chopper allows to reduce in pieces the whole fruit. During chopping an acidifying solution, prepared in a dedicated dosing group, is added to reduce the oxidation of the fruits. Mashed fruits are sent to the belt press for juice extraction.
Obtained juice is fed to the plate pre-heater/cooler to treat the product to the optimal temperature for the following clarification treatment where enzymes and chemicals are added to facilitate the separation. Upon completion of the clarification treatment the juice is sent to the Ultra-filtration plant for its final clarification.
Clear juice is usually concentrated in a dedicated evaporator.
The longan and lychee juice, concentrated or natural single strenght, can be sterilizied or pasteurized depending by the specific request of the application, by a plate sterilizer/pasteurizer.
Once sterilized the product can be filled in aseptic bag in drums or in box thanks to Bertuzzi aseptic fillers.
All Bertuzzi lines are designed according to the international food grade requirements and to be fully cleanable by exploiting integrated cleaning procedures and systems or centralized and fully automatic CIP system. The Bertuzzi CipMatic is specifically designed to guarantee a perfect and efficent CIP of the fruit processing plants.