The CitroEvolution3 has been designed to process citrus fruits with a diameter between 45-50 and 85-90 mm (between 1,8"-2" and 3,4"-3,6") with strong peels: juice extraction is obtained from the centre of the fruit by means of centripetal compression carried out by suitable penetrating star-shaped cups.
The fruit is perforated and compressed in a juice squeezing and refining cylinder, with peel separation.
Our industrial citrus juicer CitroEvolution3. It has a capacity of 15000 fruits per hour
Inside industrial citrus juicer CitroEvolution3 oranges are squeezed individually
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Process Description
The proposed unit is designed to process 15.000 citrus fruit per hour (approx. 1.500 kg/h depending by the fruit characteristics) to produce single strength top quality juice.
Citrus are feed to the CitroEvolution3 by a dedicated belt conveyor especially designed to feed homogeneously the three feeding channel of the CitroEvolution3 as well as to eventually distribute citrus homogeneously to different CitroEvolution3 placed in series.
Citrus into the three feeding channels are moved to the extraction cups with a vibration system and then with a rotating feeder.
The movement of the extraction cup can be summarized in 4 phases:
Loading: the upper cup is in the highest position. The lower cup is fed by the rotating feeder.
Approaching: the upper cup is lowered towards the loaded lower cup
Juice extraction: a perforating cylinder enter in the lower part of the fruit, opening the peel and allowing the extraction without the explosion of the fruit. Extracted juice enter inside the perforating cylinder, is refined and shortly buffered into a small tank with sight glasses.
Waste discharge and repositioning: once the juice is totally extracted the upper cup return in the highest position and the peels are fall down into the waste system.
Three cup for a high quality juice extraction
Orange peel after the extraction with CitroEvolution3
Main features of the CitroEvolution3
The CitroEvolution3 is specifically designed to match the following features:
Specifically dedicated extraction technology: single fruit extraction (one by one).
Low squeezing pressure effected to the peels, therefore extremely low juice contamination with essential peel oil
Exchangeable refining cylinders for variation of refining degree (excellent pulp control)
High machine reliability
Easy maintenance
3-Head model with a working capacity up to 15.000 fruits/hour.
CitroEvolution3 is composed by the following main components:
stainless steel supporting structure, easy to open in order to reach the different mechanical devices which compose the machine
connecting rod device for alternate motion of the extraction devices driven by orthogonal ratio motor
rotating feeder with mechanical guide
Three couples of penetrating cups for the juice extraction complete with perforating and juice refining cylinder, pulp ejection chamber and exhausted peels ejection chute. Cups manufactured in stainless steel
juice collector, easy to open and inspect, manufactured in stainless steel and connectable to a collecting tank or a refining machine
All parts in contact with the product are manufactured in stainless steel Aisi 304
Technical information
In the next table are summarized the main technical information about CitroEvolution3:
Measurement Unit
Technical Info
Electrical Consumption
Max Speed
Length (P)
Width (L)
Height (H)
Min diameter of Citrus
Max diameter of Citrus
A multifruit processing line with CitroEvolution3 for the orange and lemon juice extraction andPinetronic 1SS for pineapple juice extraction
Two CitroEvolution3 installed with one Helicoidal Extractor model Super ESS for a fine depulping